Statutory Cell
Samata, the Equal Opportunity Cell of the college ensures that all students are treated as equal and attempts to address deep-seated inequalities in our system The cell, along with the Ambedkar Study Centre, promotes awareness on the life and vision of Babasaheb Ambedkar. It also guides SC/ ST students too avail of all permissible scholarships and financial assistance.
Our college has always ensured that physically challenged students do not get left behind in the learning process. Teachers pay more attention to their special needs and provide them more encouragement and support by conducting special classes for them after college hours. Also, the staff and management make it their prerogative to provide scribes for these students during tests and exams. The college celebrated World Disabilities Day by felicitating disabled persons. The cell works with Ankura, the Women’s Forum, to address issues of gender discrimination
Students may also express their grievances online by filling out the form below.
Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and therefore they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Grievance Redressal
The Grievance Redressal Cell attempts to address genuine problems and complaints of students whatever be the nature of the problem. Student are encouraged to use the suggestion boxes placed on different section of the campus to express constructive suggestions and grievances. The may also approach the members of the cell Students may also express their grievances online by filling out the for below.
Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and therefore they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Students may also express their grievances online by filling out the form below.
Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and therefore they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Grievance Redressal
The Discipline and Anti-Ragging Cell, established according to the regulations of the UGC, is the moral police of our college. The Cell’s responsibility is to ensure that students maintain discipline in the classrooms and within the college campus. Members of the cell regularly go on rounds to each and every classroom to make note of errant behavior and to make sure that the college campus is free from ragging and eve-teasing. The Cell takes severe punitive action against students indulging in such heinous activities.
Students can make use of the suggestion boxes placed on different sections of the campus to make their complaints regarding ragging. They may also approach the members of the cell or any of their other teachers as is comfortable to them.
Students may also express their grievances online by filling out the form below.
Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and therefore they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Grievance Redressal