Top BCA College in Bangalore | City College | CCJ

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Top BCA College in Bangalore

BCA – Bachelor of Computer Application

Information Technology Education

The Bachelors Program in Computer Application offers a top-notch proficient training in Computer Science for programming engineers who wish to contribute their effective specialized and programming abilities. The course is designed to provide knowledge on computer software, algorithm and designs. The program is one of the most popular options to get started with a career in Information Technology. The course gives students an insight into the world of computers and its applications and creates  ample opportunities for students who are interested in computer applications  and make a career  in  IT sector as programmer, software developer or technical writer.

At CCJ, we aim to produce quality graduates who possess excellent understanding of the concepts, good communication skills, interpersonal skills, leadership abilities and a great team player. We focus on developing each student according to their strengths and areas of interest.

The value-added program offered helps every student to enhance their soft skills and technology skills. The learning passed through student driven extra-curricular activities, sports, fests, culturals, various student forums, student clubs and their activities and initiatives adds real time exposure to students and helps build their overall personality making Cityites more confident,  competent and very importantly more responsible individuals.


To be a Center of Excellence in Computer Education.


To generate technically groomed, competent and skilled professionals. To be a part of global technical growth by adopting new technologies.


Program Outcomes (PO’S)


PO1: Acquire in-depth computational and mathematical knowledge with an ability to abstract and conceptualize from defined problems and requirements.

PO2: Design and evaluate solutions for complex problems in data science, AI & ML and Full stack Development, considering societal, cultural and environmental factors.

PO3: Select, adapt, and apply modern IT tools and programming languages effectively in data science, AI and ML and full stack Development to solve diverse computing challenges

PO4: Identify market trends, upgrade skills accordingly, and enhance employability in computer technology careers.

PO5: Identify opportunities, innovative and create value through projects for personal growth and societal impact.


Ist Year BCA
First Semester Second Semester


Problem Solving Techniques using C  Data structures
Digital Electronics Database Management System
 Discrete Mathematics Numerical and Statistical Methods
C Programming Lab  Data Structures Lab
Digital Electronics Lab DBMS Lab


IInd Year  BCA
Third Semester


Fourth Semester


Object Oriented Programming using C++ Visual Programming
Financial Accounting and Management  Unix Shell programming
Operating System  Operation Research
C++ Lab Visual Programming Lab
Accounting Package Lab UNIX Lab


IIIrd Year BCA
Fifth Semester


Sixth Semester


Data Communication and Networks Theory of Computation
Software Engineering System Programming
 Computer Architecture  Cryptography and Network Security
 Java Programming  Web Programming
Microprocessor and Assembly Language  Web Programming Lab
 Java Programming Lab
 Assembly Language Programming Lab


CyberSecurity and Blockchain Development
Cloud and IOT
Full Stack Development
Cloud Computing and Big Data
AI & Robotics
Android Development
Digital Marketing with AI
Introduction to Apple Eco System (Apple Lab)
iOS Development (Apple Lab)
UI/UX and Graphic Design
Video Production and Editing Using AI
Stock Market and Block chain

UG Courses: Karnataka PU Board Students

01 SSLC / 10th Marks Card Original
02 12th/ PUC Marks Card Original
03 Transfer Certificate Original
04 Adhaar Card Xerox
05 Photos 6 PP Size
06 Caste/Income Certificate Not Mandatory
07 College Application Form


UG Courses Other than Karnataka PU Board (ie.CBSE/ICSE/Sate Boards etc.)

01 SSLC / 10th Marks Card Original
02 12th/ PUC Marks Card Original
03 Transfer Certificate Original
04 Adhaar Card Xerox
05 Photos 6 PP Size
06 College Application Form



UG Courses : Foreign Nationals

01 SSLC / 10th Marks Card Original
02 12th/ PUC Marks Card Original
03 Transfer Certificate Original If Available
04 Pass Port/VISA  Xerox
05 Medical Fitness Certificate
06 Photos 10 PP Size
07 Eligibility Application
08 College Application Form


Course Features

3 year full time program

Eligibility: 10 + 2

Value Added Programs

Soft Skills Courses

Intercollegiate Sports, Fests and Cultural

Student Forum and Clubs

Industrial Visits

Guest Lectures from Experts

Seminars and Conferences


100% Placement Support

Top BCA College in Bangalore

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